
Klasek Massage and Bodywork

Gift certificates

1 Hour Massage

1 hour customized massage. This can be used for a full body massage, just upper body, or anything in between. It's your hour, make it what you want it to be!

1 Hour Pillossage

1 hour pillossage session. Thermal massage where you stay clothed. This modality was designed for clients with fibromyalagia or other nerve pain. However you don't have to have nerve pain to enjoy this technique!

2 Hour Massage

2 hour massage is the longest service we offer. This session is still customizable to the client. This session gives me plenty of time to address multiple aches and pains. Great for clients who can't come in on a regular basis.

30 min massage

The 30 min massage is great for extra attention on chronic issues. Some popular choices are neck and shoulders, hands, or feet.

30 min Pillossage

Pillossage is thermal massage where the client stays clothed. This modality was designed for people who have fibromyalgia and other nerve pain. However you don't need to have nerve pain to enjoy this massage technique.

90 min Massage

An hour and half of massage. Typically booked for clients with multiple areas of focus, but still want a full body massage. Still completely customizable to the client!

90 min Pillossage

An hour and a half of pillossage! The thermal massage where you stay clothed. Originally designed for those with nerve pain. However you don't have to have nerve pain to enjoy this technique!